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 In 1922 war is being waged against the "unfit."  
It's happening in America.  

And Rowan Collier is on the front line. 

Available Now

Of Better Blood: Reviews    

 BOOKLIST: “Moger’s heroines are fierce and the story fast paced.   Though readers will hungrily rush to the finish, this debut novel’s   poignant themes—perseverance, sacrifice, lineage, and loyalty—are   sure to linger long past the final page.”


 PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY: “Moger…adeptly handles the novel’s historical   aspects and wisely avoids a too-neat resolution….It's an engaging   introduction to a rarely discussed piece of history.”


 KIRKUS REVIEWS: “Moger's debut novel tackles a little-studied chapter   of American history… Rowan's conflicts with privilege and family   loyalty emphasize how easily eugenics could take root, and there are   no easy endings; the epilogue hints at future medical atrocities,   implicating the eugenics movement as a precursor to the horrors of   Nazi Germany. Sure to spark difficult but necessary discussions.

Also by Susan Moger:

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Teaching the Diary of Anne Frank

This sensitively written, scrupulously researched guide provides the critical background information and resources you'll need to teach The Diary of Anne Frank and place it in the context of the Holocaust. ​


For use with Grades 5 & Up.

My War Years

(Featuring poetry by Susan Moger)

Susan Moger was commissioned to write a series of poems to accompany the powerful photographs in this memoir, by New York Fire Department Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn.


The book includes Dunn's brushes with death, rising up the ranks during the 1960s and '70s War Years, his best fires and worst firefighting mistakes, how luck and toughness helped him survive, seeing the rough and tumble political life of fire headquarters, and of course Susan's poetry.


About the Author

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Susan Moger grew up on Long Island, New York, the daughter of an historian and a New York Hospital-trained nurse. She has been an editor, firefighter, video game rater, and a teacher. Her lifelong love of writing led her to pen her debut novel, Of Better Blood, published in 2016, which received critical acclaim. 


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